Wednesday, 6 April 2016

An insight into The Torrent World

My quick research allowed me to understand the working of Trackers, the prime force in providing us the files we desire to download.

The Below Figure shows the Trackers working...

The below Image shows the DHT set of clients in work...

The following notes are compiled into a single file : Torrent-info.pdf

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Top Ten Pentesting Tools

Full Article:  Top Ten Pentesting Tools
Credits : Russ McRee and Jonathan Lampe

I am utterly sorry for posting links of the pdf's because of the absence of formatting tools here. Links are perfectly safe as they are directly opened on the Google Storage interface in the browser. You may also wish to save them on your local machines.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Intercepting VOIP calls over LAN using Wireshark

1) To understand how and why VOIP calls work, you must first understand what a codec is and what role does it play in VOIP. Although, this may not be necessary to understand VOIP capture but it gives you insight on the working of VOIP.
As you can see, a CODEC samples audio coming into your audio device and using an algorithm converts into a digital output which can be used up in making audio files(.mp3, .m4a), understandable by the computer.
The same mechanism is followed vice versa while displaying some sound through your headphones or speakers.

2) So, VOIP consists of an RTP protocol which is responsible for carrying the audio stream. The RTP header consists of the appropriate CODEC used by the VOIP calling software but Wireshark uses its default set to analyse the stream without us specifying the CODEC. The RTP protocol is built on the UDP protocol.

3) In the following video, I have explained how to use Wireshark to capture the Audio Stream.

VOIP LAN calling software:

Friday, 11 March 2016

Exploiting Windows XP using the Java Signed Applet Attack

Java Applets 

A Java applet is a small application which is written in Java and delivered to users in the form of bytecode. The user launches the Java applet from a web page, and the applet is then executed within a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in a process separate from the web browser itself. A Java applet can appear in a frame of the web page, a new application window, Sun's AppletViewer, or a stand-alone tool for testing applets.
The Applets are used to provide interactive features to web applications that cannot be provided by HTML alone.They can capture mouse input and also have controls like buttons or check boxes.
An untrusted applet has no access to the local machine and can only access the server it came from. This makes such an applet much safer to run than a standalone executable that it could replace. However, a signed applet can have full access to the machine it is running on if the user agrees.

This attack will create a malicious Java applet hosted on the attacker's machine within a local copy of a famous website (Gmail, Facebook, ...) and start a listener. Once the victim will connect to us, he/she will bind to us and a session will be created on the attacker's machine.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Wordpress Scanner (wpscan)

WPScan is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner that can be used to scan remote WordPress installations to find security issues.
  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Setting up a local Wordpress website in Windows
  4. Performing wpscan commands on Kali Linux

    1. Basic Scan
    2. Enumerating Usernames
    3. Enumerating Plugins
    4. Enumerating Themes
    5. Enumerating Timthumbs
    6. Brute Forcing Passwords
  5. Commands List

    Full Article : WPScan.pdf

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Bastion Hosts

A bastion host is a computer that is fully exposed to attack. The system is on the public side of the DMZ, unprotected by a firewall or filtering router. Frequently the roles of these systems are critical to the network security system. 

Full Article :  Bastion Hosts.pdf

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

OWASP ZAP Fuzzing -1 [Multiple Parameters/Payloads + Message Processors]

 Fuzzing Multiple Parameters and tagging Custom Response String (using Message Processors) to associate a successful event --This can be useful to Brute Force username and password at the login page and use a text from successful login to tag (Message Processors) the success of right combination of username and password. This way fuzzing can be stopped at an earlier stage.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Batch Programming DAY !!!

Every morning when I get up, it has become a sort of a habit to type in all the URL's one by one in my browser, which are about 6-7, to sync up with the world. It's annoying, especially for a lazy guy like me.
The next thing I did was to Add these websites to my "Suggested Sites" in the New Tab window of Firefox. Still, had to click all of them one by one.
if(work.contains("Hard Work"))
   System.out.print("Do something better DORK!!!");

I happened to notice something interesting. It opens the Firefox browser.
Of course I knew this way back! Pfff... Wait..., are you judging me? I had to provide a timeline of events for this blog hadn't I?

Something more interesting. Facebook opens in the browser.

So I decided to make a file in windows that when clicked would open all the domains which I wished to access.
I Fired up notepad ( RIP if flames came to your thought) and saved the file with a bat extension( .bat ).
Yes, you got it right, a Batch file. What is it?

A batch file is an unformatted text file that contains one or more commands and has a .bat or .cmd file name extension. When you type the file name at the command prompt, Cmd.exe runs the commands sequentially as they appear in the file.

I am going to provide a walkthrough of the commands used in the batch file to automate my work. I recommend you to try the following commands if you are not aware of Batch programming.

start firefox.exe
- launches the Firefox browser

start firefox.exe
-launches Facebook in Firefox (new window or old one)

set /p input=enter some input here
-Asks for parameter values during execution. The input variable stores your input.

That blue box hurts you isn't it? It makes you feel like a NOOB. Don't worry. 

@echo off
 set /p input=enter some input here
-It vanishes the above line.

if %input%==check some condition
-to check Single word input

if "%input%"=="check some condition"
-to check Multi word inputs

if %input%==condition (start firefox.exe)
-Make sure not to break the commands within brackets from the if statement. cmd will syntactically disapprove it.

if %input%==condition (start firefox.exe) else ( start chrome.exe)
-if-else ladder. Notice , how i don't break the Else part from the if statement.

All done.


@echo off
set /p input=Enter 1.Social Sites 2.SANS Newsletter
if %input%==1 (start firefox.exe else (start firefox.exe

Cool Lazy Link: BrowseMe.bat